Sunday, May 13, 2012

When Rain Showers Stop

Rain, rain, rain today.  I've been watching the radar on to see when I could possibly get my scheduled five mile run in.  We have a gym membership, but I hate treadmills and I don't like to run without my dogs.  For me, being with the dogs is as much of the point of the run as my overall fitness is.

The weather break came close to one o'clock this afternoon.  Mira and I were out the door within minutes of the rain stopping to start my five mile trek.  I knew before we began that this was not a five mile day for her.  Sixty one degrees is a reasonable temperature to run with her, but the humidity was intense, so I decided to take her back to the house after the second mile. 

When I dropped her off at the house, Maddie was not at the door waiting.  Normally, this would make my heart race and my stomach flip to have one of the dogs not anxiously waiting for their turn, they are both very motivated to be out on the road with us.  Dave had just finished painting the bar area and was watching golf with chips in hand.  I was trumped by "Ruffles".  Maddie didn't even look at me when I walked by.  There was a possibility she could sweet talk Dave into potato chips and I was obviously on my own as of now.  The remainder of the run was going to be up to me and me alone.

Back on the road I finished the last three miles solo.  With Mira, the first two miles were finished at an average of 14 minutes each.  These miles included three pee stops and one poop stop for Mira.  Not stellar time, but all in all enjoyable in the freshly rain washed air.

My first solo mile, mile three, was a 13 minute/30 second mile.  It was pretty uneventful.  I finished mile four in 13 minutes and felt great as I began mile five.  The finishing hill on Reef is a killer when you're tired.  It's not long, but the grade is steep enough that I often walk at least part of it.  After I crossed Seafoam and began the flat stretch headed to Barrier, I could see two loose dogs ahead.  They were unfamiliar to me, and I know most of the dogs in the neighborhood.  They were bouncing up trees after squirrels and going from house to house and back and forth across the road, obviously thrilled with a new found freedom.  Weary of unfamiliar dogs, I caught a glimpse of my watch and uttered an unpleasant phrase as I realized I had been, up to then, on target to finish the last mile in 12 minutes, but knowing I needed to be cautious of these dogs I slowed.  Watching them, I had to pause to be grateful that I didn't have a dog with me at that moment, they seemed almost frantic in their obsession to chase squirrels and I was certain I may have been a target if I'd had a dog with me.  Sure enough, when I caught up to them, they came charging across the road to me hackles up, growling and barking.  I slowed to a walk and ignored them as I drew my watch up to catch my time.  Damn dogs, I wasn't sure how I was going to make up the time and I wasn't nearly as concerned about them hot on my heels sniffing me as I was about the clock.  Thankfully after a couple of driveways, I heard a calm female voice call "Maddie, Emma, come on, come here".  Both dogs turned on a dime and headed straight to "Mom" who was calmly standing in the road with leads and collars waiting for them.  I waved to her, and she to I, as I picked up my pace.  When I turned the corner from Reef to Barrier and glanced at my watch, I realized I had plenty of time to finish my final mile in 12 minutes.  I stopped at the top of our driveway with a time of 12:01.

After I got home, Dave decided he was going to run an errand.  Since I told him it wasn't raining, he took his clean car instead of my dirty rental.  I doubt he'd been away from the house five minutes when it began to rain and it really hasn't stopped since.  I think the universe is supporting my quest and running goals! I only need a little time, and Mother Nature was very kind to me today!

1 comment:

  1. You are nicer than I am. I would have flipped her off. So glad you did not have one of your dogs with you.
