Sunday, July 14, 2013

Closing in on Goals

Today is July 14th.  The Acworth Women's Triathlon is three weeks from today.  The next event will be the Triune Agility trial over Labor Day weekend which is Stetson's debut in the ring.  My second, and last triathlon follows on September 29th.  That's the rush.  Later this fall I'll have the half marathon in Athens, Georgia and Stetson will be entered in at least one more agility trail.  It's become a very busy time of training, planing, and more training, then tweaking the plans and yet more training.

This week I decided to pull Stetson out of group agility classes.  Because he patterns quickly and doesn't appreciate a change of scenery, I thought I'd be better served by training him at home and then renting time once a week at one of the many facilities locally that offer their equipment for use by the hour.  We can fill in on weekends with run throughs at some of the clubs who hold regular run throughs to further support him by getting him used to an environment that will be similar to a trial.

I typically wouldn't put this much effort into socializing a dog I've trained since puppyhood to the environment, except that we have been together only seven months and I want him to know that we can, and will work in any location on any eqiupment.  The other factor that I have been considering is that we're driving the Motor Coach to Missouri for this first trial.  So we'll be on the road for over a day and sleeping in the rig...which he's not really used to either.  We'll arrive on Saturday and I should be able to go to the trial to spectate a bit that afternoon which will help him desensitize to the environment.

A lot of thought and planning goes into things with the dogs, but I've seen really solid hard working dogs fatigue or startle at a new noisy environment and I want to give him every chance I can for success from his very first show.  I should define success here:  happy, working dog.  Period.  That's it.  I love green ribbons, and I think they are especially pretty when presented with a blue one, but I'm being real here; we're a green team and I want a long happy career together.

This week I've focused him on heeling, recalls and halts for obedience.  I know I've forgotten some of my homework from class, but we'll make it up next week.  I'm working him on six weaves with wires during our agility sessions and he's become reasonable with it.  I added a jump yesterday to give him something to focus on.  He's not a great jumper, and I'm glad I've figured that out early.  He doesn't worry about dropped bars, so I'll have to put the time into ground work and some more rear end awareness training.  He'll get it, he always does.

I was touched yesterday when he "offered" weaves to me while I was setting a bar on the jump.  Magic was a crazy weaver.  In his novice days, he went off course a few times to weave.  Thanks for the fun memory Stetson, Magic was an awesome dog.  My boy continues to fill me with giggles, ahs and just plain happy times.

Regarding my personal training, the decision was made this week that I'm not putting my sneakers on for less than three miles between now and the half marathon.  I'm beginning to head back out on my own if Dave and I take the dogs for a short jaunt to get my extra time or mileage in.  The effort will pay off come October 20th.

In triathlon, I had a great open water swim clinic this week and have scheduled two additional one-on-one sessions with the coach that lead the clinic.  I need the experience in open water, the rest of it will come as long as I keep my schedule in the pool during the week.  Tonight I'm planning on a trip to the gym after dinner to get an hour spin in - I'm hoping that one concentrated hard effort per week in the saddle, combined with the three runs and three or 4 swims will be sufficient to hold my legs together on the bike and then follow through with a strong finish on the run August 4th.  I'll know soon enough if the plan is good enough to carry me through the Lake Lanier training too.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot imagine running a half marathon. I would like to work up to running a whole hour though. Maybe this fall when Maddie can come along too.

    Looks like Stetson is coming a long nicely.
