Sunday, November 2, 2014

New Dog Training

We've taken Edge out a few times to run, but honestly, the run is kind of sacred between Stetson and I.  I'm the most insanely sentimental person I know and what I have been able to accomplish in the past 24 months partnering with this dog in performance events, human and canine, is just not something that I want anything else walking on.
On the way to the river this morning

That being said, Dave offered to run the river this morning instead of going to the gym since it was a chilly thirty two degrees and he knows how much I love to run cold.  I couldn't pass it up.  My scheduled run yesterday with Stetson was cancelled due to my strong dislike of wind, so this was the perfect make up session in my opinion.  So off we went at 7ish this morning, Dave, myself and two dogs.

Green dogs have a way of screaming novice at you no matter the situation and today was no exception to the rule.  Stetson came out of the truck politely by Dave's instruction and gingerly stretched before he gave a quick spin of eagerness to hit the trail.  Edge on the other hand, came out of his crate and promptly sat down as he has been trained to do so I can put his leash on, but when I released him to the ground, he hit the end of his lead hard enough to force a soft cough.  Yep, it's going to be one of those days.

My best running buddy
And so it went for just over three miles - trotting, lunging, stopping to get him collected, trotting, lunging, stop to get his attention, trot, lunge...  My scheduled core and upper body workout at the gym will either be a) unnecessary in the morning or b) I'll be too sore to lift a single weight.

Reward for good work, or work anyway...

All the complaining aside, there were moments of genuine gift out there this morning.  Times that he checked in with Dave and/or myself to make certain things were going as they should.  Times that we needed to walk and he let the lead fall limply between us.  Lastly, the enormous kiss received when he loaded back into the truck seemed to temporarily erase my desire/need to train a new running partner.  He loves to be a part of anything and the moment he thinks he is wrong, his little world crumbles in front of you.  I love this dog, he is everything that I consciously requested when I decided I needed to run agility again.

Keep on trying little man, you melt me every time I catch you watching me, waiting for our next adventure.

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