Sunday, August 12, 2012

Brick with Mira

Our intention was to head out to the Silver Comet today and take a long training ride early.  We'd be home by 9ish and ready to wash the RV and take care of the other household maintenance that needed to be wrapped up for the weekend.

At 4 am, I woke to horrible pain in my neck.  I've been nursing a sore and mis-aligned neck for several days, often unable to turn my head without moving my entire upper body.  I was up and loaded with Ibuprofen but not really able to move my head much.  Seeing the darkness descend on the end of my tunnel, I woke Dave and told him I'd turned my 5:30 am alarm off - we'd have to ride another day.

Around 7:50 I woke to the clanging of dog bowls in the kitchen.  Dave was preparing breakfast for the girls and I could hear the dancing of 8 feet across the hardwoods in anticipation of their morning fruit, veggies and cereal.  I drug myself out of bed and sat with the dogs while they ate.  Dave and I chatted while I put on a pot of decaf.  I began to stretch myself a little while working around in the kitchen and began to get really frustrated because I didn't really feel very bad now, certainly it was nothing like I had faced at 4 am.  After some discussion, I decided I'd rather get a little accomplished today instead of nothing toward training, so we agreed to ride close to home for a short time and then I'd come back, pick up the dogs and run with them.  At least I'd get a short bike/run brick in and the dogs would get their exercise too.

It worked out great! I knew I'd be over an hour since the dogs ate before I was ready to run and if I took it easy (which I was pretty much forced to do physically), it wouldn't tax them into a potentially harmful stress situation and create a fear of bloating.  So off Dave and I went on the bikes.

The ride was good.  Relatively uneventful in comparison to having had the dog attack problem earlier in the week.  It was chilly, only 59 degrees, when we started and I had on a summer cycle top.  But it didn't take too long to warm up and forget my arms were exposed.  I was feeling good about the decision to make some lemonade from my lemons.  Once we dismounted and put the bikes back in their racks, I grabbed harnesses and leads and we were out the door within a relatively short time for an abbreviated run.

I got a couple of miles in with Mira on the run portion of the brick.  I'm afraid I'm spoiled now, running with a dog is far more enjoyable than running alone!

Glad to have been able to turn this adversity into a good opportunity today!

Fed, exercised and hoping we'll leave soon so they can sleep!

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