Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Start of A New Season

We had cool weather this morning!  It is amazing how 55 degrees in October feels fresh and crisp, compared to 55 degrees in April that feels dingy and humid.  But it's October and I am happy with mornings in the 50's!

We did an out and back on Kennesaw Mountain this morning.  Starting at Burnt Hickory Road to the Illinois Monument and back, all in all just over 5 miles.  I've been working on obedience with Mira with the intention showing in AKC obedience and earning a BN title.  I had proof today that the effort and focus on "stay" was paying off.  The picture below was taken during our rest at the top of the run.  I dropped the lead and stepped away from her while I poured some water and took her picture (I acknowledge my timing is off since I caught her blinking).  There were a pair of Golden's just above us who were having a jolly good time with their owner, and she didn't once bother to get nosey about it.  Huge strides for us :)  Consistency is paying off!

She took a minute to pose for me at the monument before we started back down the trail...
I also made some progress in the "confidence department" this morning running downhill on the trail.  I have far more confidence and trust in Mira as a running partner than I would be able to place in any of my other dogs, even my nearly 13 year old Maddie.  Mira is calm, she's not so full of prey drive that every squirrel looks like the perfect chase, and most of all she seems to care that I'm on the other end of the leash.  There was only one part of the trail today that I didn't trust myself enough to keep up a jog with her.  Near the bottom, there is a serpentine that is pretty narrow.  There's lots of loose rock/gravel and ruts from rain washout.  I just can't bring myself to jog that small stretch with a dog on lead yet.  Someday, Mira, someday we'll get to chase the trail all the way to the bottom, I promise.


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