Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Rainy Start to the New Year

Almost Dry

100% Chance of rain is what the forecast is for today.  Oh well, it's New Years Day and there's no way I'm missing out of a day off work without a run - so get soaked we did!

Drenched, even after having just finished "shaking it off"

Today's run was a good measure of recovery for Stetson after having run the five and a half mile mountain trail with me on Sunday.  With only one day of rest, he charged through the short two miles today.  He soaked up the water and the outing, eagerly helping Maddie chase squirrels off the barren path.  I am thrilled with his recovery.  We'll get some street runs in the rest of the week and hit the trail again this weekend.  It feels so good to be excited about the next run again!

With the New Year, it seems appropriate to set some "goals" together.  For once, I am keeping things basic:

  • I anticipate we will work to earn Stetson's CD, and either his TD or NA/NAJ toward his VST.  I would like to earn all of the needed venue titles this year, but having never done any tracking I'm not sure what to expect for a time and expense commitment. 
  • We will continue to work on herding as long as Amy will have us.  I want to get as many herding titles with ASCA as the Glo/Stetson team can accomplish in the upcoming years together, but I have no idea when or how we'll begin to earn those. Herding with him and watching his brain and body work to accomplish that which he was bred to do is such a rush.  This door is being left WIDE open! 
  •  My goals with him as a running partner are geared toward our well being rather than distance or time related things.  Primarily I will work on stretching him thoroughly after runs and eliminate leash pulling. 
  • I intend to keep Maddie strong and healthy as she goes into her 13th year.  She IS my biggest adrenaline rush ever.  I will never tire of clipping a lead to her harness and hearing her "woo, woo, WHHHOOOOO" as she impatiently awaits the start of any adventure. 

  •  Without dogs, I am considering the Half Marathon in October here in Atlanta.  And, it seems wise to take advantage of being amongst the youngest in my "new" age group with USAT this year, (I turn 50 in May).  I will do my best to coordinate finishing three Sprint distance USAT sanctioned Tri's this year.
Many blessings to each of you as you embark on new trails in 2013.

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