Sunday, April 22, 2012

Nor'easter Walk

Dave and I rode the bikes 7 miles yesterday through the rolling hills in our neighborhood.  It was a great cardio workout and I kept my gears set so I was working relatively hard on the climbs.  It wasn't a long ride, but it was definitely productive.

When the alarm went off at 6:30 this morning signaling time to head down to the river to run with the dogs, my glutes were in no mood to be bothered.  Somehow in the course of the evening I negelcted to stretch, and the initial movement of the morning was all I needed to know this was going to be a day to take it a little easier than orignally planned.  All Dave had to say to seal my decision was "It's really windy this morning..." as he climbed back into bed and I was wrapped back around a couple of dogs for another hour and a half of sleep.  I hate wind, okay that is harsh; but I seriously don't like to have wind in my face.

There is a spring nor'easter headed in and the winds seem to be practicing in our neighborhood for their big debut early this week on up north.  It's not the season for pine needles or pine cones, but the maple leaves have carpeted our yard in an odd Renaissance era type pattern.

Although I was sore this morning, and it was nice to sleep in; I couldn't let the cool evening fade without taking the dogs out.  It's just too much to their liking with the cool air and yes, they (unlike me), enjoy the wind and all the scents that blow by them.  Their heads were up and nostrils flaring tonight.  It must have been sensory heaven for them to have the air filled with freshness and the wind raising the nap of their fur as we made our way along.

Maddie especially was cranked up more than a few degrees with all the blowing tonight.  She's  smiling now, quite pleased with herself for putting the sun to bed over Horestown while outrunning the dried magnolia leaves that rushed behind us on the pavement.  I think I'll give her an extra long massage tonight after we all stretch, she deserves it. 

As grumpy as I can be over a windy day, I'm very grateful that we in the Southeast only have the wind to contend with until the spring storm finishes it's fury.  We hope all of you along the path of the nor'easter stay warm and safe as it lands and passes through.

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