Thursday, October 18, 2012

Weed Wackers That Go Bang In the Night

Mira was on this evening. It was warm and we jogged under cloud cover and elevated humidity compared to the previous run this week, but she was ready to go and kept the lead tight.  I was impressed with her.

After we finished the run, I grabbed a random newspaper that had been tossed into our grass on the way down the driveway.   My truck is parked on the right side of the garage and it's pretty large.  There's a small path between it and Dave's car on the right.  We keep the recycling bin on the passenger rear side of my truck and I rarely leave much clearance between the two.  There's also a small area between the bin and the door that "houses" the various yard tools that we don't have hanging; including the oversisized, "industrial" weed wacker.

Mira rarely waits for the door to go up before pulling to get into the garage, there are cookies and a good massage waiting for her on the other side of the door after all!  Tonight was no exception and as I dodged right to toss the paper, she charged forward between the car and truck.  I missed the bin, the paper bounced between the tools and eventually the weed wacker lost it's fight to remain upright and slid down the wall dragging two shovels with it under the truck.

I'm 5 feet 2 inches tall - the truck is approximately 79 inches wide.  Somehow, some way I managed to wrap myself around the back side of that truck with one arm flailing to try and save the weed wacker and the other arm (with the help of a 6 foot leash) trying to keep Mira from charging ahead fully spooked.

Yikes!  I never did like yard work...


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