Sunday, October 28, 2012


A week ago I ran six miles with Mira on Kennesaw Mountain trails.  Much of it is covered with large gravel, and there are portions that have huge ruts from rain washout...  Somewhere during the first three miles I began to feel a stinging sensation and burn on or around the bunion on my right foot.

Assuming I was developing a blister, I tried to compensate as I pushed ahead.  By the start of the third mile I really didn't feel much irritation, so I assumed my sock had twisted and then somehow self corrected.

At the end of the run when I pulled my trail shoes and socks off, this is what I found:

Apparent blister, without a bubble on the edge of my callous under the bunion
After cleaning up and tending to the "wound" it appears to be a typical blister
It appears to be a blister, but it never drained and once my socks were off and I was cleaned up, it never hurt - all week.  By Tuesday this week, the pink had turned blackish purple.  Still, it never bubbled or broke like a blister does, so I began referring to it as a blood blister.  It wasn't tender to touch and other than being as ugly as the callous it is partially hidden beneath, it was not a concern.

Today I ran four and a half miles.  By the start of mile three I could feel a rub and little stinging sensation in the same spot.  I'm not a heel striker, but I don't really land on the ball of my foot either.  I do however have a degree of roll through the landing and push into the next stride.  On video my right foot lands normally for 4 out of 5 strikes, and occasionally, only occasionally do I overpronate.

Again, there is no bubble and no leak.

It would appear I have a pronation problem after all.  I thought the week of rest was appropriate and when there was no discomfort whatsoever, I thought I was good to go.  It seems I am sadly mistaken.


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