Sunday, May 11, 2014

Regaining Endurance

Saturday morning was muggy but cool so Stetson and I left for a run on the mountain before 8 am.  He was so excited to get loaded into the truck and laid down in his crate facing me and watching all the way to the parking lot.  It seemed he wanted to be sure I didn't somehow slip out of the truck without him.
Illinois Monument, Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield

We haven't had very many opportunities to get runs in since his strained IllioPsoas, so I knew his reduced fitness level coupled with the humidity would likely take a toll on him early on.  With that in mind I decided to go 20 minutes out and 20 minutes back and treat this like the recovery run it is.   Because of the rain on Friday, the humidity was intense, even his coat hair developed a wavy pattern like sand on the beach after the tide goes out.

As expected, he sailed on the downhills.  His stride is as smooth as silk and I barely feel the lead move in my hand.  However, he is pretty consistently slowing to a walk on the steep inclines.  I will begin working on hills in the neighborhood with him this week with some hill repeats to get him built back up.  It is training I need as well.  His legs are good, it's the cardio and lung capacity that eludes him.  I'm also working his core at home a couple of times a week on the balance disc plus crunches.  I am trying to get my core and strength done and then work with him right after.  

Looking down the mountain to the trail from the Illinois Monument

None of the hard pack or mud bothered his pads.  The variables can play havoc on pads and feet that are not built for the demands.  His pads feel soft to the touch, but they are surprisingly tough.  I learned from mushers years ago that you check pads every run, every time and I carry that wisdom with me to this day.  Foot health is so important for running dogs.

I know I'm stronger today for having had him by my side.  I can see he is stronger too, in spirit and physical capacity. He gives me the courage to start again when my plans don't work out and I am forced to regroup and start anew.  What a gift I have in him.  I hope he watches me and somehow in his dog brain thinks that I'm the person he'd hoped he have.

Not having anything to do with my attempt at a Selfie - he was more interested in snuggling

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