Sunday, May 18, 2014

Saturday Fun Run

This is what I see when we're out for a run:

I love to watch my dogs move. I enjoy seeing structure in action and he is beautiful at a trot.

Part of his cross training has been working core on the balance disc and also by doing some "sit ups".  And of course stretching, we are always stretching. He loves the exercises and in having only worked his core for about two and a half weeks, I can see he is getting stronger.  I hope to add tugging to his routine core work soon also, that is going to be a focus this week.  Keeping fingers crossed core work and the stretching will keep us away from another IlioPsoas strain.

One of our runs this week was focused on hill repeats.  He seemed to like them and kept an eye on me all the way up the hill every time as if he was really focusing on getting it right.  Funny how I hate hill repeats and intervals, but with him it doesn't feel so much like a chore.

Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield has become an important place for us.  I began running those trails with Mira and I cannot step foot onto the surface without her crossing my heart.  Stetson and I are making our own memories there and taking our fitness to new heights on the trails.

On our way, looking across McCollum Air Field to the mountain

Are we ready to go yet????? Quit taking my picture already

Trail head from Cheatham Hill to Kolb Farm
We did a 20 minute out and 20 minute return run yesterday.  Just enough to get some trail under our feet... I just can't get enough time out with him, it isn't possible to tire of his presence.  So lucky to be his person.  

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