Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hidden Excuses

I've played off excuse after excuse over the past nine months to keep me off the road and trail consistently.  I can play "hurt" for either Stetson or myself, and I've found many other excuses along the way that fit nicely into whatever mood I'm in.  Regardless of what I've told myself and professed to others, I have hidden behind excuses to keep me from doing that which is never easy and rarely understood by those who aren't road runners or triathletes - push your physical limits to see where you can go, what you can finish and how much have you improved over your last performance/race.

Saturday at the river I had a moment when my husband was trotting off ahead of me with my dog and neither was checking back in with me.  Not a fun moment.  To make matters worse, when I went to call out to Dave to wait up, I put my hands on my sides and what I felt was proof that the workout clothes I'd tossed aside earlier that morning weren't lying, I was in fact out of condition, soft and, well let's just say rolling along.

You change your attitude and direction in moments of extreme realization.  There was one of those moments.   I witnessed my previous months of hanging out in the recliner, having too much comfort food and another drink I didn't need scanning before me.  Not the "flash" you get when immediate danger is upon you, but this was a drawn out, slow motion culmination of one excuse leading to another, to another, to yet another to the point nobody who looked closely at me would recognize me as the athlete I was a year ago.

Enough! done! I am not watching that movie anymore.  We are back on the road and back in sync, building up one workout and run at a time.  I've focused the past three days on why I run, bike and swim.  I do it for me and to stop for any reason other than me would not be fair to myself.

I turned Sunday into my official commitment day and decided to honor a goal of finishing my first marathon in good time and good health.  My entry is made and I didn't bother to sign up for "insurance" in the event I needed to cancel for health or family matters; it is done, non-refundable.  March 22, 2015 I will stand in the starting coral in Atlanta waiting for the gun to start the event.  And when we reach the split for the 13.1 half marathon, I will stay right.  I will be on the path to the finish of the 26.2 mile full marathon through the hills, humidity and pollen of this city in spring.  Six months of training to recapture my spirit.

I cannot wait to take Stetson to his best condition ever during this time of training.  And I'm looking forward to breaking Edge into this lifestyle too.

To run, to reflect, to dream, to be connected with soul, dog and universe.

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