Sunday, September 21, 2014

It's Not About the Score

Stetson will have his debut in the Novice obedience ring in just a few short weeks and we've been working on fine tuning what he does nicely, primarily heeling and sits/downs, and what seems to be hit or miss, recalls and finishes.

He finished the Beginner Novice (BN) title with 593 points out of a possible 600 (200 possible points per leg, three legs required to title).  I was very proud of the scores for each leg and really excited about the placements earned (1st, 2nd and another 1st for the title).  But the drive behind me reaching those types of scores is because when performance in this sport is truly on, you feel completely connected with your dog.  You flow in and out of directional changes and exercises in step with each other, completely communicating with the movement of your body and the energy going down the leash from handler's hand to dog's neck.  THAT is what motivates me in the sport, it is a beautiful dance that reflects the bond between us.

An example of the connectedness that inspires me

When the connection is lost, an entirely different picture appears...

Same day, same exercise, completely disconnected moment

And so we continue to work together in new and different environments and on various pieces of the equation until the next competition in October.  To improve and dance in better rhythm than the last dance.  That is the goal and what drives me to excel and reach for as many of those 200 points as is available to us.

3 minute down at ball fields

So handsome

1 minute sit following down exercise

It's all about the dance.

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