Monday, November 19, 2012

Stetson - Training Day 2

Our second day to train together was successful.  His feet felt good today and I think the decision to work on asphalt was beneficial to help minimize the soreness he showed yesterday.  We are both learning about each other and how to make this new relationship work. 

I learned today that:
  1. I will keep him reigned in at 4 feet or less until I have had an opportunity to proof him on squirrels (we haven't seen a bunny yet).  He is strong and FAST - easy to get under control, but you have to be ready for the explosion.  The short lead gives me a little more power.
  2. I am now responsible for the pace.  Sounds stupid, but it is huge!  Mira had limits this summer with heat and humidity that kept her to a specific pace.  It was more distance than you would ask a dog that wasn't conditioned, yet it was appropriately limited by weather conditions and it was a slow steady training run pace.  Stetson isn't going to flip me off and do what works for him, he proved that today - I set the pace.  He eagerly let me go out as fast as I wanted (which was too fast of course) but he was just as gracious to slow down when I realized my error.  Unfortunately, my self control is lacking and I tend to go out too fast and burn out and ultimately end up getting overuse injuries...  I am now officially in charge of me and that's a perspective I haven't been consumed with before. 
  3. He wants the road.  Mira ran the gutter or the edge of the curb, Maddie has always preferred the road also.  Mira had the toughest feet/pads of any dog we have ever owned, I was always amazed that the gravel and sand in the gutter didn't bother her.  His pads will toughen up as time goes on, but my guess is he'll always prefer the road; we'll see.  I don't care what surface they prefer, but when we are a foursome, we'll have to be more cognizant of traffic if we have two dogs on asphalt.

Walking into an office full of trophies and memorabilia dedicated to our Siberian Huskies, he doesn't seem to mind or notice that he's an oddball.

Stetson had a couple of lessons with regular things today as well:

  1. Garage Doors - they open and close, but the motors controlling that process are noisy.  He is amazing to me.  The first time we went out and came back (via control panel on the outside of the door) he was alert and wanted to bolt, but the second time out and back, he actually tried to get into the garage before the door was up just like all our other dogs ever have.  He has some initial "fear" of new noises and things, but he rebounds so well and is such a great trooper to try new things!
  2. Squirrel chasing is for the yard, not the road.  He took to the lesson quickly, I hope it sticks and we don't have to reteach it every run.

Love the freckles on Stetson's face
 One day at a time and a lesson at a time. 

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