Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Walking Toward A Run

So many mixed emotions were running through my veins tonight while we walked the dogs tonight. 

Stetson kept pace with Maddie for the first time since he has been here.  I have been a little worried about our long term distance future when watching him lag behind my bitch that is almost 13 years old, especially when I see his lead is slack and she's pulling rather hard on the lead with Dave.  There have been moments of poise on the flat with him so far, but hills prove to be as much of a challenge for him as they are me, until tonight.

On this walk he kept pace and had the lead by a nose for most of the walk.  His head was up and he had an air of alertness about him I haven't seen yet.  I would say he mastered the hills on our route, but we were walking; so I'll stick with he was significantly improved.  He had a kind of surety, of confidence, that "this" is what he was supposed to do.  He seemed in control of himself and his environment for the first time.

We are walking mostly now, but I can see the run is coming.  About the time I finally put my observations into words, we turned a corner and my face was instantly chilled by a brush with a cold wind.  My thoughts raced to "Mira would have loved a run on a night like tonight..." and I choked back tears.  Indeed, she would have loved it, I will always remember her, especially when cold air jolts me into gratitude for life in the South.  I am so grateful that Stetson has stepped up and is quickly moving toward a run, somehow it makes her memory sweeter.

Keeping Hydrated :)


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